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陶瓷拉西環(huán)是早開發(fā)的一種散堆填料。形狀簡單,它是高與直徑相等的圓環(huán)。大尺寸的拉西環(huán)(100mm以上)一般采用整砌方式規(guī)則填充,100mm以下的拉西環(huán)多采用亂堆方式裝填。 陶瓷拉西環(huán)具有優(yōu)異的耐酸耐熱性能,能耐除氫氟酸以外的各種無機(jī)酸、有機(jī)酸及有機(jī)溶劑腐蝕,可在各種高溫場合使用,應(yīng)用范圍十分廣泛,可用于化工、冶金、煤氣、環(huán)保等行業(yè)的干燥塔、吸收塔、冷卻塔、洗滌塔、再生塔等


ceramic rasching ring is the earliest developed random packing, named after the German chemist Friedrich Raschig. It's small tube cutting, which outside diameter is equal to its height, providing a surface for (re)evaporation of the most volatile part in the refluxing distillate, typically 10 mm in diameter and 12 mm long. 

It's used in commercial fractional distillation towers to reduce pressure loss (versus using trays), while maintaining good efficiency and economy. Typically the change in pressure (also called "delta p") is lower than in the case of trays but slightly higher than for structured packing. 

With the characters of high mechanical strength, high chemical stability, and excellent heat endurance, Ceramic Raschig Ring can resist high temperature, acid (except HF), alkali, salt and various organic solvents. It's widely applied in various packing towers of desiccation, absorption, cooling, washing, and regeneration in industries of petrochemical, chemical, metallurgy, gas and oxygen generation. 

For raschig ring with big size over 100mm, it's usually filled in the column orderly. If its size is less than 100mm, raschig ring is stacked in the column randomly.

Ceramic Random Packings

Ceramic random packings include Rasching ring, Cross partition ring, Pall ring , Intalox saddles, Super Intalox, Cascade ring and Conjugate ring.

Main specification:

Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Fraction Bulk Density No.,bulk Dry Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Rasching ring Φ25 25×25×2.5 190 78 510 49100 400
Φ38 38×38×4 126 75 580 12700 305
Φ50 50×50×5 93 81 465 6400 177
Φ80 80×80×8 90 68 640 1910 234
Φ100 100×100×10 70 70 655 1000 172
Φ150 150×150×15 50 68 655 292 142
Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Space Bulk Density No.elements Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Cross-partition ring Φ50 50×50×5 135 50 520 5600 1080
Φ80 80×80×8 120 53 780 2100-2500 806
Φ100 100×100×10 110 56 750 900-1000 626
Φ150 150×150×15 60 58 680 270-300 308
Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Space Bulk Density No.elements Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Pall ring Φ25 25×25×3 210 73 630 36000 540
Φ38 38×38×4 140 75 590 12000 332
Φ50 50×50×5 100 78 520 4900 210
Φ80 80×80×8 90 72 640 1910 131
Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Space Bulk Density No.elements Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Intalox saddles Φ16 16×2×2 450 70 710 382000 1311
Φ25 25×19×3 250 74 610 84000 617
Φ38 38×30×4 164 75 590 19680 389
Φ50 50×40×5 142 76 560 8100 323
Φ76 76×57×9 92 78 520 1800 194
Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Space Bulk Density No.elements Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Supper Intalox Φ25 25×19×3 160 78 530 52000 337
Φ38 38×30×4 102 80 480 16000 199
Φ50 50×40×5 88 81 450 7300 166
Φ76 76×57×9 58 82 430 1600 105
Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Space Bulk Density No.elements Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Cascade ring Φ25 25×15×3 210 73 650 72000 540
Φ38 38×23×4 153 74 630 21600 378
Φ50 50×30×5 102 76 580 9100 232
Φ76 76×46×9 75 78 530 2500 158
Name Type Diameter×Height×Thickness Surface Area Void Space Bulk Density No.elements Packing Factor
mm m2/m3 % Kg/m3 n/m3 m-1
Conjugate ring Φ25 25×25×3 175 78 520 64000 369
Φ38 38×38×4 118 80 470 14000 230
Φ50 50×50×5 72 81 450 6300 135

Detailed Product Description

Ceramic saddles, ceramic saddle ring, ceramic saddle tower packing, ceramic tower packing, ceramic random packing

Size & Specification:

Product Name Size Diameter*Height*Thickness Surface Area Void Bulk Number/ m3 Packing factor
mm mm m2/m3 Space Density m-1
% kg/m3
Intalox saddle Φ16 16×12×2 450 70 710 382000 1311
ring Φ25 25×19×3 250 74 610 84000 617
Φ38 38×30×4 164 75 590 25000 389
Φ50 50×40×5 142 76 560 9300 323
Φ76 76×57×9 92 78 520 1800 194

Ceramic Saddles are divided into two different types of products according to their properties, KPK-CIS-A is often used in the field of Chemical and Petrochemical industries, and KPK-CIS-B is mainly used in environmental areas such as RTO(Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers) equipment. But both of them are the most frequently used high-performance packing and exhibit advantages for most applications in comparison with other shapes.  Their smooth surface imparts a high chemical resistance and provides Ceramic Intalox saddle rings (Ceramic Saddles) with a high level of stability.  Due to their simple form, ceramic saddles can be produced at a relatively low cost.

Chemical composition:

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O+Na2O Other
>73% 17-23% <1.0% <0.5% <0.5% 2-4% <0.1%

Physical properties:

Index Value
Specific gravity(g/cm3) 2.3
Water absorption (%) <0.3
Acid resistance (%) >99.6
Max operating temp.() 1100
Porosity (%) <1
Mohs hardness(scale) >6.5
Thermal conductivity(w/m.k) 0.9-1.0
Specific heat(j/kg) 850-900

Pall Ringdetail

Ceramic pall ring is a kind of random packing further developed based on Rischig Ring, with two layers of windows opened along its tube wall. The outside diameter is equal to its height. For each layer, there are 3 ligules bending inward the axes of the ring. The open position for windows between the two layers is staggered oppositely.

Generally, the area for open windows occupies 30% of the total area of the tube wall. It helps vapor and liquid flow freely through these windows, making full use of the rings inner surface to improve distribution of vapor-liquid.

With the characters of high mechanical strength, high chemical stability, and excellent heat endurance.

Ceramic Pall Ring can resist high temperature, acid ( except HF ), alkali, salt and various organic solvents. It is widely applied in various packing towers of desiccation, absorption, cooling, washing and regeneration in industries of petrochemical, chemical, metallurgy, gas and oxygen generation.

If ring's size is over 100mm, it is usually filled in column orderly. If its size is less than 90mm, pall ring is stacked in the column randomly.

Technical Date:




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      Name Normal Diameter*Height* No.elements
      mm Thickness mm Surface area Void space Bulk density per/m3 Packing factor